I feel like I’m sounding like a broken record here with my Fluid Loading and peeing in public… But I guess that’s a good thing! :)
Because it works!
I drank up yesterday, guzzled 2 bottles of water, and then an hour later we’re out the door and running errands.
I peed twice in public!
Once at a local grocery store, where the bathroom is usually steady traffic, and the other time at Bed, Bath and Beyond.
Both times I was the only one in the bathroom. So peeing quickly and entirely was pretty easy.
It only took a slight Breath Hold, about 15 seconds, and I was peeing like crazy.
I love that I can do that!
So it was a good day!
If I can pee successfully in public at a urinal, then my job is done! :)
Let’s hope Friday goes just as well…
Friday is opening day at the ballgame…
I’m going with a large group of friends (and only 1 person, Mike, knows I’m pee shy).
I’m a little anxious and nervous… as expected. After all, opening day will be the busiest day of the season!
Sadly, the forecast calls for rain, so it could be a very interesting and wet day.
And yes, I do plan on Fluid Loading. If I Fluid Load before I go, the chances of success increase.
So that’s my plan. Drink up, and keep drinking all night long.
I have to force myself to pee. Even if it’s every 20 minutes. I just have to do it.
Busy Bathrooms
The bathrooms will no doubt be busy. Packed wall to wall. But then again, I really don’t know, I’ve never been in them. I don’t know what to expect.
There may be a line out the door. I may find nothing but troughs. My anxiety level could be past 100… Who knows?
I know I’ll be nervous
I know I’ll be stressed. I have been for months just thinking about it…
But, I also have been practicing for months…
So yes, I do plan on success.
Wish me luck!
Play ball…