We go out to eat for lunch yesterday at my favorite restaurant.
I didn’t Fluid Load before hand, just went like normal. I had a root beer and a salad and that was it. Lunch was quick and we were still headed to the grocery store.
Now, I didn’t have to pee at the restaurant, but over the next 15 minute drive to Krogers, I could actually feel the urge to pee begin.
I tell Mike that I needed to pee. He says to me “Do you want me to stop home first?“, considering the fact that Krogers is basically across the street from where we live.
I say “No, I’ll pee at Krogers”.
And so, as soon as we get there, I head towards the bathroom.
I go in.
I’m the only one there!
I step up to the one and only low urinal, unzip, and wait.
This bathroom is very small and very, very quiet.
I hold my breath and decide to pull my phone out to check my emails… that usually does the trick.
And sure enough…
I start to pee in 15 seconds!
And I Peed and I Peed, until finally I was finished.
And just as I was ending my stream, the door opens and a guy comes in.
He sees that there is only one urinal and one stall… he hesitates and moves around for a second behind me. I can hear his awkward shuffling as he was gauging if I was finished or not.
I was!
I shake, flush and move away. He quickly took my spot as I washed and left.
It all worked out perfect for me and I returned home with an empty bladder…
AND, I didn’t have to Fluid Load or leave the house needing to piss either.
That’s a first!
And that I love!
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