I thought I’d take a brief moment here, amid my adventurous vacation, to make a list of things that I’m still working on.
Things I still want to accomplish.
Granted, I’ve made massive leaps and bounds so far (read: So Many Things Have Changed), and I’m extremely happy with my progress, but still, there are so many more things to do…
Bear with me…
In no particular order of importance:
- Peeing in a Urinal with a guy on either side of me
- Peeing normally in public without the help of Fluid Loading or Breath Hold
- Peeing with a line of Guys waiting behind me
- Peeing in a Trough
- Peeing in an Arena or Sporting Event Restroom with Non-Stop Traffic
- Peeing on the side of the Road (with cars going by)
- Peeing in one of those Open Street Urinals (like they have in Europe – see image below)
- Peeing with my other friends at a Urinal, and possibly chatting (who don’t know I’m Pee Shy)
I’m sure there are more, but that’s a pretty big list of “Must Do’s“.
But then again, I look at what I’ve been able to accomplish in just 3 months and it doesn’t seem too far out of reach anymore.
As long as I keep practicing and not giving myself a safe out, then I can see it happening quicker than expected.
Who knows where I’ll be in just 3 months from now?
It’s kind of exciting to think about, and I’m thrilled to see the outcome.
And then, in a year down the road, Paruresis really could be a distant memory.
Something that I used to know!
So I say, the future looks pretty bright.
I can’t wait to face it head on.
I may even need to wear my shades! :)